Anatomy Glass (HG)

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Anatomy Glass by von Hagens Plastination shows cross-sectional human anatomy in a durable acrylic form. Free from human tissue, Anatomy Glass are available for use by anyone, anywhere.

Durable and cost-effective

Developed from high-resolution scans of real human cross-sections (Sheet Plastinates), and reproduced in a printed format at 1:1 scale, Anatomy Glass provides a cost-effective solution for the study of cross-sectional human anatomy. The robust acrylic format withstands regular handling, is scratch-resistant, and can even be drawn on during teaching and learning*. Easy to clean and sanitize, Anatomy Glass are also ideal for use in clinical or wet lab environments and alongside fresh or preserved human tissue.

Using dry wipe (whiteboard) pens*

Relevant. Reliable. Reproducible.

Carefully selected by expert anatomists, Anatomy Glass demonstrate key structures, regions, and concepts across the body. As with Sheet Plastinates, anatomical structures are shown in their undissected anatomical positions. The reproducible format provides a consistent point of reference, allowing larger groups to simultaneously learn or be examined using the same physical resource.

A fresh perspective

Anatomy Glass provides unique views of morphology and positional relationships, enabling learners to construct and apply their knowledge in new ways. Anatomy Glass are an ideal complement to Silicone Platinates and are suited to a range of learners, up to resident or junior doctor level.

Accessible to all

Free from human tissue, Anatomy Glass are ideal for use in educational displays within public areas or environments with limited security. Anatomy Glass allows unsupervised access at any time.

Slices and sets from across the body

Available as single slices or as a collection* in sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes. All body regions are available.

Available to both qualified and non-qualified users.

*Collections represent a group of slices taken from different body donors in one or more anatomical planes.

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Question about Anatomy Glass?

What is the difference between Sheet Plastinates (HS) and Anatomy Glass (HG)?

Sheet Plastinates are made from real human tissue and each slice is unique.  Anatomy Glass are durable high-resolution acrylic reproductions of Sheet Plastinates that contain no human tissue. Sheet Plastinates provide the highest levels of resolution and detail, whereas Anatomy Glass show good levels of detail and can be used by anyone, anywhere.

Can Sheet Plastinates and Anatomy Glass be projected?

Yes, they are translucent and can be used on overhead projectors! 

Can human anatomy be learnt well using only electronic resources?

No. Electronic resources can supplement anatomical studies but cannot replace the benefit of studying real human tissue. Plastinates reveal real human anatomy from multiple and unique perspectives, facilitating a deeper comprehension of real morphology, relationships, functions, application and variance. Importantly, studying real human anatomy is personally connecting for learners, via the promotion of emotional engagement, and inherently demonstrating the real-world application of anatomical knowledge: these factors are essential to the learning process (1).


(1) Willis, J. (2007) Teachable Moments Build Relational Memories. Kappa Delta Pi Record 43.3
