High ethical standards underpin all the work we conduct. We never forget the generosity of our donors and the selfless gift they have provided for the benefit of education. Full and informed consent, respect and dignity, transparency, and quality assurance processes (audit) ensure that all our activities and educational products meet the highest ethical standards

Full and Informed Consent
Through the Institute for Plastination (IfP) body donation program, we ensure that all donated bodies come with full and informed consent. This program is uniquely dedicated to accepting donations from those who wish to have their body plastinated and used for the education of others. Currently, the program has more than 20,000 individuals enlisted.
The IfP provides donors (potential and registered) with comprehensive information, including a document detailing the body donation program and process. Donors can also attend meetings to learn more about the body donation program and have their questions answered. To become registered, donors must sign and return consent forms to the IfP. Following registration, donors receive an identification card and their consent form countersigned by a representative of the IfP.
The decision to donate is personal and can only be made by an individual in advance of their death with full and informed consent. Obtaining proper consent requires transparency, honesty, and clarity of information. Donors are made fully aware of what will happen to their body after death and the potential ways in which their bodies can be used. Among other preferences, donors specify if they want their body to be used for public display or for the teaching and training of medical professionals only.
All written records of donation and consent are maintained in Heidelberg, Germany. Without breaching confidentiality, the body donation program is audited regularly and has passed a range of due diligence reviews conducted by ethicists, authorized legal representatives and mandated government authorities.
Donors are free to change their mind and withdraw consent at any time prior to their death, in which case their body will not be accepted. Under Article 17 of the European Union General Data Protection regulation (GDPR), all registered donors during their life also have the right to be forgotten - to have their data permanently deleted from our records.

Respect. Dignity. Transparency. Traceability.
Treating our donors and donated human tissue with respect and dignity is of utmost importance to our organization. Our work is always conducted with sensitivity, respect, dignity, transparency, and awareness.
Each donor is assigned a unique identification number that provides full traceability and a clear audit trail at every step: from arrival at vHP, to transition through the plastination process, acquisition by a qualified user and use in a teaching program. The use of unique identification numbers ensures the anonymity and privacy of donors is maintained.
Out of respect for donors, our processes ensure the optimal use of donated human tissue. Any tissue that cannot be used, such as tissue removed during dissection, is cremated in Germany.
Every member of our team undergoes training in how to handle human specimens and how to treat them with respect and dignity. In addition, standardized rules, processes and codes of ethics are in place to ensure team members are informed, responsible and accountable for their actions and the actions of others. In the event of a breach, clear reporting and actioning processes are in place. Update training is provided regularly.

Restricted Availability
Human specimens from vHP are available to medical, clinical and anatomical training programs, and for display in select exhibitions related to health and human anatomy, such as at museums. Human specimens from vHP are only available to ‘Qualified Users’, a status determined and verified by vHP using set criteria. Users of vHP plastinates and bones include medical schools, nursing programs, dental schools and those using human specimens in a clinical or research setting.

Costs: What are customers paying for?
It is essential that the generous gift provided by our body donors is never exploited. Importantly, we do not sell or make a charge for human tissue. The fees associated with a Qualified User acquiring plastinated specimens and bones relate to the costs of production (person time, equipment and consumables), research, development, and administrative services. Every human specimen is hand crafted with care, with some taking 1500-2000h of work to complete.
All bodies received from the IfP body dontation program are self-donation only. No compensation (monetary or otherwise) is provided to the donor or their family. Within Germany, the IfP covers the cost of transportation from a local mortuary or hospital to our facilities.
Most donors reside within Germany and Europe (<89%). To serve these donors and their next of kin, the IfP operates its own ground transportation service known as the Body Mobile. For donors resident in North America (around 10 percent of registered donors), the IfP covers the cost of transportation from an approved North American mortuary to the vHP facility in Germany.

Transparent Practices
Our facility is open to visitors via the PLASTINARIUM (Germany). The laboratory was intentionally designed with transparency and democratization in mind. Large windows provide visitors with close-up views of our dissection work. A visit to our facility showcases our standards and professionalism. We invite anyone interested in learning about our practices and processes to visit and experience our work in action. Qualified users can arrange to visit our facility and meet our team.
Independent Audit and Checks
The City of Heidelberg, Germany conducts an annual review of the body donation program. Specifically, an audit is performed by an independent notary public to confirm that every donor received by the IfP is accompanied by the appropriate paperwork, including a signed donor consent form and death certificate. The notary public then registers the results. The IfP body donation program has also been vetted by leading ethicists and a range of independent international institutions. Please contact us to learn more.
Visits can be arranged via a member of our team using the Contact Us form.
If you are curious about our work or are a current customer with a question, we are ready to answer your questions and provide more information.