Bones (HB)

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Bones by von Hagens Plastination are carefully produced from body donors using modern processes that preserve even the most delicate of features.

Ethical with full traceability

Bones are fully traceable to their original donor consent making them an excellent ethical replacement for historic osteological collections, for which donor consent is commonly unavailable.

Down to the finest of details

Bones demonstrate even the most delicate of features and landmarks, including the: wafer-thin lamina papyracea, delicate pterygoid hamulus, nutrient and neural foramina, and grooves for vessels and nerves.

Embrace experiential learning

The perfect partner to Silicone Plastinates, Bones allow learners to build their comprehension of the form, structure, and properties of real skeletal material, including the morphology and alignment of joints, the effects of Wolff’s law, and density changes in bone disease.

Pathology and trauma revealed

Common pathologies such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and sites of previous fractures or orthopedic interventions may be seen within Bones. Learners will quickly benefit from the direct visualization and hands-on exploration of disease and clinical intervention, especially when viewed alongside normal bone.

Set sizes for all

Available in a range of set sizes to meet various user requirements. From full skeletons to articulated vertebral columns, single limbs, skulls, temporal bones, and long-bones cut to reveal trabecular groups. Orthopedic interventions, such as joint prostheses, ORIF plates and screws, may be available during the ordering process.

Available to qualified users only.

Ready to see our Bones (HB)?


Got a question about bones?

Where does the human tissue used in von Hagens Plastination specimens come from?

von Hagens Plastination exclusively uses human tissue derived from body donors that have donated their body for plastination for anatomical and healthcare education. All donations are made in life under full and informed consent. The body donation program is managed by the Institute for Plastination and is subject to independent audit.

Can I donate my body to the Institute for Plastination for use in Plastination?

Yes. Click here to learn more.

Can anyone acquire plastinated or human tissue-containing specimens?

No. Silicone Plastinates (HP), Bones (HB) and Sheet Plastinates (HS) contain real human tissue and can only be acquired by qualified users (i.e., trained individuals employed at reputable training institutions with appropriate governance) for use in anatomical and health-related education. Casts (HC) and Anatomy Glass (HG) do not contain human tissue and can be acquired and used by anyone, anywhere.
