Sheet Plastinates (HS)

View Sheet Plastinates

Sheet Plastinates by von Hagens Plastination reveal real cross-sectional human anatomy in immersive detail. They represent the highest levels of quality, detail, and durability of cross-sectional anatomy available.

Explore the hidden

Sheet Plastinates are hand-made from real human tissue using a unique process that differentially colors tissues and renders them semi-transparent. All core anatomical structures including spaces, fascial layers, and tissue planes can be studied in their undissected anatomical position. Sheet Plastinates can be used to enhance learning and mastery in any anatomical or related discipline.

Accelerate learning with immersive views

Sheet Plastinates provide unique views of morphology, layered arrangements, and positional relationships across all body regions - even the fiber arrangements in ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves are visible. Such alternative anatomical views help drive the learning process and present new opportunities for learner engagement and testing.

Safe and simple to use in any environment

Sheet Plastinates are safe to handle and require no special facility or storage conditions. They are suitable for use in any learning environment, with minimal equipment – simply illuminate and learn! They can even be used on a visualizer in large group environments.

See things differently

Sheet Plastinates showcase an array of anatomical details, down to the interface between macroscopic and microscopic. The slight depth (thickness) of each slice produces a visible 3D effect capable of emphasizing the structure and course of vessels, nerves, tendons, and ligaments.

Available as a series (sequential slices from one body donor) in sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes, or as a collection (slices from different body donors, and in different planes).

Ready to see our Sheet Plastinates (HS)?


Question about Sheet Plastinates?

What is the difference between Sheet Plastinates (HS) and Anatomy Glass (HG)?

Sheet Plastinates are made from real human tissue and each slice is unique.  Anatomy Glass are durable high-resolution acrylic reproductions of Sheet Plastinates that contain no human tissue. Sheet Plastinates provide the highest levels of resolution and detail, whereas Anatomy Glass show good levels of detail and can be used by anyone, anywhere.

What is the plastination process and how does it work?

The plastination process is described here.  More detailed information is available via the vHP Account area.

Where does the human tissue used in von Hagens Plastination specimens come from?

von Hagens Plastination exclusively uses human tissue derived from body donors that have donated their body for plastination for anatomical and healthcare education. All donations are made in life under full and informed consent. The body donation program is managed by the Institute for Plastination and is subject to independent audit.

Are Plastinates commonly used in anatomy-related education?

Yes. Numerous education institutions around the world, representing tens of thousands of learners, use Plastinates from von Hagens Plastination (vHP). Due to their high quality, and widely acceptable appearance, Plastinates from vHP are also used in international museums to educate the public about health and human anatomy.
